
Welcome to the EWN Group

The EWN Group comprises three companies which are concerned with the dismantling and disposal of federal nuclear plant. They are financed by government grants.

EWN Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen GmbH (kurz EWN) is responsible for the dismantling and disposal of the former East German nuclear power plants in Greifswald (Mecklenburg-West Pomerania) and Rheinsberg (Brandenburg). EWN operates a number of disposal facilities and an interim storage facility at the Greifswald/Lubmin site.

Jülicher Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH (abbreviated as JEN) is responsible for the dismantling of the AVR high temperature reactor, the chemical cells, the FRJ-2 (DIDO) research reactor and the big hot cells at the Jülich (North Rhine-Westphalia) site. The necessary equipment and plant for safe handling, disposal and interim storage is available at the site.

Kerntechnische Entsorgung Karlsruhe GmbH (abbreviated as KTE) bundles all dismantling activities regarding the decommissioned nuclear research and prototype plants and the necessary disposal activities at the Karlsruhe/KIT Campus North (Baden-Württemberg) site. The Karlsruhe reprocessing plant (WAK) including the Karlsruhe vitrification plant, the compact sodium-cooled nuclear reactor facility (KNK), the multi-purpose research reactor (MZFR), the FR 2 research reactor, the hot cells (decommissioned construction stages) and the superfluous evaporation and cementing facilities for radioactive waste water are currently being dismantled.

Wir setzen Maßstäbe.
Mit Sicherheit.

In order to efficiently complete these tasks in compliance with radiation, environmental, health and work safety regulations and still be cost effective the EWN, JEN and KTE companies have been amalgamated into the EWN Group. This means that experience and knowledge in comparable work areas can be better transferred and synergetic effects can be achieved more quickly.

EWN is a 100% federal company of which the Federal Ministry of Finance is the sole partner. JEN and KTE are 100% subsidiaries of EWN. 

The financing of dismantling and disposal tasks is secured by various sponsoring bodies.

EWN Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen GmbH receives funds solely from the federal budget. The Federal Ministry of Finance acts as the funding body.

The activities of Jülich Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH are financed from federal and regional funds. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia share the costs at a ratio of 90:10.

The activities of Kerntechnische Entsorgung Karlsruhe GmbH are also financed from federal and regional funds. In addition to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Baden-Württemberg‘s Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, also provides funding at a ratio of 90:10.

The Companies


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